thrussh 0.20.8

A client and server SSH library.

Server and client SSH library, based on ring for its crypto, and tokio/futures for its network management. More information at

Here is an example client and server:

extern crate thrussh;
extern crate thrussh_keys;
extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio;
extern crate env_logger;
use std::sync::Arc;
use thrussh::*;
use thrussh::server::{Auth, Session};
use thrussh_keys::*;

struct Server {
client_pubkey: Arc<thrussh_keys::key::PublicKey>

impl server::Server for Server {
type Handler = Self;
fn new(&self) -> Self {

impl server::Handler for Server {
type Error = std::io::Error;
type FutureAuth = futures::Finished<(Self, server::Auth), Self::Error>;
type FutureUnit = futures::Finished<(Self, server::Session), Self::Error>;
type FutureBool = futures::Finished<(Self, server::Session, bool), Self::Error>;

fn finished_auth(self, auth: Auth) -> Self::FutureAuth {
futures::finished((self, auth))
fn finished_bool(self, session: Session, b: bool) -> Self::FutureBool {
futures::finished((self, session, b))
fn finished(self, session: Session) -> Self::FutureUnit {
futures::finished((self, session))

fn auth_publickey(self, _: &str, _: &key::PublicKey) -> Self::FutureAuth {
futures::finished((self, server::Auth::Accept))
fn data(self, channel: ChannelId, data: &[u8], mut session: server::Session) -> Self::FutureUnit {
println!("data on channel {:?}: {:?}", channel, std::str::from_utf8(data));, None, data);
futures::finished((self, session))

use futures::Future;
use std::io::Read;

struct Client {
key: Arc<thrussh_keys::key::KeyPair>

impl client::Handler for Client {
type Error = ();
type FutureBool = futures::Finished<(Self, bool), Self::Error>;
type FutureUnit = futures::Finished<Self, Self::Error>;
type FutureSign = futures::Finished<(Self, thrussh::CryptoVec), Self::Error>;
type SessionUnit = futures::Finished<(Self, client::Session), Self::Error>;
fn check_server_key(self, server_public_key: &key::PublicKey) -> Self::FutureBool {
println!("check_server_key: {:?}", server_public_key);
futures::finished((self, true))
fn channel_open_confirmation(self, channel: ChannelId, session: client::Session) -> Self::SessionUnit {
println!("channel_open_confirmation: {:?}", channel);
futures::finished((self, session))
fn data(self, channel: ChannelId, ext: Option<u32>, data: &[u8], session: client::Session) -> Self::SessionUnit {
println!("data on channel {:?} {:?}: {:?}", ext, channel, std::str::from_utf8(data));
futures::finished((self, session))

impl Client {

fn run(self, config: Arc<client::Config>, _: &str) {
let key = self.key.clone();

"", config, None, self,
|connection| {
connection.authenticate_key("pe", key)
.and_then(|session| {
session.channel_open_session().and_then(|(session, channelid)| {, None, "Hello, world!").and_then(|(mut session, _)| {
session.disconnect(Disconnect::ByApplication, "Ciao", "");
}).unwrap().map_err(|_| ())

fn main() {
// Starting the server thread.
let client_key = thrussh_keys::key::KeyPair::generate_ed25519().unwrap();
let client_pubkey = Arc::new(client_key.clone_public_key());
let t = std::thread::spawn(|| {
let mut config = thrussh::server::Config::default();
config.connection_timeout = Some(std::time::Duration::from_secs(600));
config.auth_rejection_time = std::time::Duration::from_secs(3);
let config = Arc::new(config);
let sh = Server{ client_pubkey };
thrussh::server::run(config, "", sh);

let mut config = thrussh::client::Config::default();
config.connection_timeout = Some(std::time::Duration::from_secs(600));
let config = Arc::new(config);
let sh = Client { key: Arc::new(client_key) };, "");

// Kill the server thread after the client has ended.